Here it is!!! ‘Charlie bit me’, the video !!!

Here you are this video: «Charlie bit me».  Perhaps you have already seen it on the news on TV.  It’s been watched more than 70 million times in YouTube. It is very funny to watch both babies play meanwhile their dad tapes them.

Oh, dear! How I love little Charlie’s laughter !

Internet en el aula website

Hi there, teachers and students of English! After a long time here I am with a new resource:  a website for Primary Education students.  Here you can play either as a teacher (Profesorado) or as a pupil (Alumnado).

Screencap of Internet en el aula website

Screencap of Internet en el aula website

There are two interactive didactic units (UDIs): El extraterrestre and El mundo de la magia. On one hand, in El extraterrestre (1st Cicle of Primary Ed.) there are six topics: My family, My school, My friends, My classroom, My body and My pets. Teachers can also download a guide, a script and some worksheets for every topic.  On the other hand, in El mundo de la magia (2nd Cicle of Primary Education) the topics are: My birthday party, My family (2), My things, My timetable, My hobbies and My town, every and each with its own scrip in .doc format. You can find additional curricular information here.

Video about clothes: ‘What are you wearing?’

Hello everyone,

Here you are a video to learn and practice the clothes vocabulary. Just watch and listen to the video and then answer the true or false questions below. Good luck!


1. Lawrence’s top is red.

2. Laurie is wearing a black, dirty sweatshirt.

3. Clive is wearing a pink coat.

4. Patty is wearing a baseball hat.

5. Robin is wearing her daughter’s jacket.

6. Barbara is wearing a scarf.

7. Connie is not wearing her uniform today.

Song: ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ by Laura and Alice

Hi, kids.

Here you are a song called ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’, sung by Laura and Alice. I have found this song at Odeo website. Enjoy it!


The English Alphabet

Fernando Torres, Liverpool’s number 9

Hi, children.

Today I bring to you all a video featuring Spanish football player Fernando Torres. He plays football in Liverpool FC. You know I love Liverpool and I lived in that beautiful and charming city for a year. This video gives me the goose skin even though I don’t like football much. I hope you enjoy it !!!

Some funny expressions mixing Spanish and English:

Adios, lad.
Gracias, mate.

Presentación: ‘Welcome to England on the Continent of Europe’

En este post os pongo una presentación (slide) que he encontrado sobre Inglaterra, donde conoceremos mapas, la bandera, la fiesta nacional, la moneda, la ropa, la familia real…. mejor descubridlo por vosotros mismos.

Aprende las preposiciones de lugar con este vídeo

Children’s ESL Video to Teach Prepositions of location

Preposiciones: in, on, under, over, in front, behind

El autor del vídeo es DavidOsaka. Podemos encontrar muchos más vídeos suyos en YouTube.

Welcome to Maestringlés’ Blog

Bienvenid@ al blog de Maestringlés.

Me llamo Francisco González y soy maestro de inglés en el Colegio Público «Isabel Casablanca» de Villagonzalo (Badajoz, España). Enseño inglés a niños y niñas de primer a sexto cursos de Educación Primaria.

Este blog pretende ser un lugar donde ofrecer recursos, actividades, noticias y enlaces de interés sobre el mundo de la Educación, en general, y de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, en particular.

Después del diseño web de páginas estáticas en HTML, ésta es mi primera incursión en el mundo de los blogs y la Web 2.0.

Bandera del Reino Unido

Welcome !!!